366 Week 8 | Huntsville AL Photographer
Time for Week 8's pictures of my 366!
If you've missed the other weeks, you can catch up here!
Day 50
I'm taking a photography class right now on using natural light indoors, so I've been practicing on different types of light using my built-in models. ;) I love this one of C and his Mickey.
Day 51
C loves the supply closet down the hall from his dad's office. His favorite is the bucket of ping pong balls!
Day 52
Poor C. He got super sleepy on our drive home (sucking his thumb pretty much only happens when he's sleepy.) But if he falls asleep for 5 minutes in the car, you can bank on the afternoon nap being checked off in his mind.
So he was not happy with my antics to keep him awake. But we made it!
Day 53
Took B&C to the big library downtown. We LOVE books! I'm thinking of doing a blog post soon of our recent favorites!
DAY 54
A&B and some screen time.
DAY 55
Another practice day for my photography class. This picture's nothing fantastic, but it is an example of "broad light," in case you're wondering. ;)
DAY 56
And a practice silhouette of B for the same class.