because the look is sometimes more than a smile | Huntsville AL boutique school photography school photographyLaurie HatfieldApril 23, 2018mobile al preschool photographer, mobile school photographer, Mobile AL school photographer, boutique school photography, preschool portraits, preschoolers, school portraits Comments
because Easter didn't come with selfies | Huntsville Alabama family photography personal, familyLaurie HatfieldApril 1, 2018mobile photographer, Mobile AL photographer, family of five, outdoor sessions, Easter photos, brothers, siblings, parentsComment
because sometimes it's good to see how far you've come | Decatur AL lifestyle family photographer family, lifestyleLaurie HatfieldMarch 20, 2018mobile photographer, mobile al photographer, family of four, siblings, lifestyle photography, outdoor sessionsComment
because I took my camera to Disney | Mobile AL family photographer personalLaurie HatfieldFebruary 26, 2018Disney World, vacation, brothers, extended family, travel, mobile AL photographer, mobile AL lifestyle photographerComment
because school photos can be great! | Huntsville AL boutique school photography school photographyLaurie HatfieldJanuary 29, 2018mobile al preschool photographer, Mobile AL school photographer, boutique school photography, fine art school portraits, daphne al school photographer, foley al school photographer, fairhope al school photographer, pensacola fl school photographerComment
because "snoot" is a fun word | Week 2 of learning to use on-camera flash | Mobile AL family photographer personalLaurie HatfieldJanuary 16, 2018flash, boys, mobile al preschool photographer, Mobile AL photographer, education, workshops, learningComment
because a house is a good start to home | Mobile AL family photographer family, lifestyleLaurie HatfieldJanuary 9, 2018Mobile AL photographer, twins, siblings, family of four, mobile al lifestyle photographer, outdoor sessions Comments
because it's good to learn new tricks | Week 1 of learning to use an on-camera flash | Mobile AL family photographer personalLaurie HatfieldJanuary 4, 2018brothers, family, education, mobile photographer, Mobile AL photographer, flash, kids Comments